# To-do FAQ
# What is to-do?
There are many small tasks in everyday life that are easily forgotten when we get busy. For example, getting a haircut over the weekend, cleaning the room, selecting a birthday gift for friends or family, and so on.
While these may not seem difficult, they can be easily overlooked. We hope to create a fun tool to manage these simple and quick tasks.
# What does "urgent" mean?
For each task, there is a default deadline of 14 days.
If marked as "urgent", the deadline is changed to 2 days, and it will be marked as overdue on the 3rd day.
# Can to-do help me if I want to complete something more challenging?
Challenging tasks can often be broken down to simple steps.
If a task is too challenging and may take a long time to complete, it's hard to get started. We recommend breaking it down into smaller and more achievable tasks that can be completed within 14 days (two weeks).
# I tend to procrastinate, is this to-do function helpful for me?
Hehe, our designer created a cartoon character named "Johny". "Johny" will serve as your personal assistant. When you experience procrastination, "Johny" will pop up and give you a little nudge.